Minggu, 19 Oktober 2008

Dapet award & pe-er dari RIP nih...

Yuhuuu! Dapet award nih! Makasih buat RIP udah ngasih award dan pe-ernya :)

Klo pe-ernya ini nih...

The most important in my life:

  1. God (Allah SWT) is the most important in my life. Everything in this world belongs to Him, and to Him only they shall be returned.

  2. Our last Prophet, Muhammad SAW who guided us to be always in the right path of Allah SWT.

  3. My parent, who have brought me to life, raise me and teach me everything I need to know.

  4. All my friends. Without them my life would be shallow and empty. Thank you all, guys!

Nih award mo diterusin ke:
1. Angga
2. RIP
3. Nirwan
4. Tipsblogspot