Minggu, 19 Oktober 2008

Dapet award & pe-er dari RIP nih...

Yuhuuu! Dapet award nih! Makasih buat RIP udah ngasih award dan pe-ernya :)

Klo pe-ernya ini nih...

The most important in my life:

  1. God (Allah SWT) is the most important in my life. Everything in this world belongs to Him, and to Him only they shall be returned.

  2. Our last Prophet, Muhammad SAW who guided us to be always in the right path of Allah SWT.

  3. My parent, who have brought me to life, raise me and teach me everything I need to know.

  4. All my friends. Without them my life would be shallow and empty. Thank you all, guys!

Nih award mo diterusin ke:
1. Angga
2. RIP
3. Nirwan
4. Tipsblogspot

Selasa, 02 September 2008

My Final Destination....

q bs mutusin konsentrasi mana yg harus q pilih,,,,smga ini jalan terbaik.....
Semoga ini Hidayah dari-Nya yang q dapat tepat saat malam 1 Ramadhan lalu...

Di awali dengan

Di jalani dengan DUIT
"Do`a, Usaha, Ikhtiar, dan Tawakal" , serta di akhiri dengan Alhamdulillah..

Cie ela...

it`s a calm week..

Selasa, 12 Agustus 2008

Di antara 3 pilihan...

TT, Kendali,,Telkom,,

g` slesai2.....

KEndaLi di DePan Mata.....
SementaRA TelkOm....g Ad PendukUng lAgi...
TT ,,,,Tidak DianjuRkan...(Untuk DosiS tinggi,,,,aPolah..!!!!!)

huffh....Hidup Dalam Kebimbangan....

KAya` nya arah Pilihan Q hampir brubah haluan neh......(g selurus N sePasti Dolo)

Ya Allah ,,,, Berikan Hidayah & Petunjuk-Mu

Kamis, 07 Agustus 2008

3 hari ....

3 hari vacuum lagi....???
it`s my time to get back...
back to "stuo laporan".....hohhoohhh

tuesday: partisipasi di PMB (06.25-19.10)
wednesday: same as tuesday(06.50-17.00)
thursday : planning tiduk full day,,eh malah ke layo lagi...(unintentionally, 11.00-16.45)

friday: ngenet again,,,hwkwkwk..tetep smbl ngejoke laporan "tetep"...
Cheer up....!!!

Minggu, 03 Agustus 2008

apa kbr dunia maya....

ehm....dh lm g` main2 k dunia maya.....dh 2 hari vacuum...(vacuum cleaner kale)....hwkwkwkw
jum`at, something happened with my sist in law...hufffh
sabtu,,hang out full day....hohohoo
puassssssssssssssssssssssss dh dk nyentuh2 lap slm 2hari,, but today....i come back to my "stuo laporan"....hwhahahaha

dgr2 Jur Telkom dibuka lagi neh,,,Alhamdulillah dh kl emng bener....bener2 mukjizat ...hihiihi

hmm,,btw dah bulan Agustus aj neh...liburan SP bntar lagi abis.....
bulan depan dah Ramadhan lagi .....


Selasa, 29 Juli 2008


Akhirnya aku dapet ilham jg tuk ngisi blog ini....hwaahahahaahhaaha....

aku isi ttg penjurusan b ah.....

bhasan yg dk habis2ny tuk aku pikirkan saat ini....cz ini nentui masa depan coy......(hwkwkkw)

pilih yg mn y???kendali or TT????22nya tuh pilihan yg berat....pilih sayap kiri or sayap kanan y???yang pasti aku pilih kanan....tp (yg mn kiri , yg mn kanan???huffh)..binguuuung....

masing2 pilihan pst ad kekurangan n kelebihan.....

yg jdi pertanyaan,,,,knp c untuk angkatan 06 harus dibagi ke 3 subjur ,,, (cm ngemeng b) padahal sbnrny cm sggup dibagi jadi 2 subjur....kn dk jauh bda jadinyo dg angktn2 sblmny...


bagi yg bingung nentui masa depan (spt aku)...hehhe....ksih komenny y.........

""Cheer Up""

Selasa, 15 Juli 2008

Dapatkan Mesej Bergambar di Sini

The Mass Transit Musts & Mustn`ts

1. Leave your Valuables at home!Mass transit isn`t a display window. You don`t want bad people to target you as their victim ,,, do you????
2. Wait for any public vehicle at the proper stop. Be a good example for others!
3. Don`t even try to get in if you see that the bus or train is already full. Humans are not sardines.(hehehe)
4. Don`t crowd near the door, you`ll block the entrance way. Instead , move to an empty space in the middle or at the back
5. If you carry a sling bag or backpack , place it in front - not at the side or back - of your body
6. Beware of people who cover their hands with a newspaper or jacket , especially if they are eagerly trying ti get close to you. They may have bad intentions.
7. Girls, beware of physical harassment on packed trains or buses. Some people just do it simply because of the opportunity!
8. After shopping, put all your buys in one bag before you get on a public transportation. Having your hands full with too many things will give you only trouble.
9. Have some small change ready-exact change will be better. Bus conductors sometimes forget to give you your change-sometimes intentionally.
10. Get closer to the exit door when you are nearing your bus stop.
11. To keep you from losing your balance, use your left foot to step down first.
12. For the commuters who regularly take trains or buses, better buy a monthly ticket. It`s cheaper!
13. No matter how you really need to go because of some urgent mission don`t ever mount the train roof!
14. The final notice in using public transportation: NO SMOKING % LITTERING!! Mass transit vehicles are not trash cans.